Monday, December 28, 2009

Painting A Metal Daybed

Download all the material and 'nice to live free!

Click here to download all the material of the show:
artistic photos
the technical
plant lights
the poster

If you are a trader and want to watch the video of the show, ask for the password to download it

It 'nice to live free! is edited and distributed by
Centrale Fies
environments for the production of performing arts

tel: 0464 504700

Friday, December 18, 2009

Sorority Initiations ?

Dj_sugo FROM Barçelona

drink Friday, 23/12/2009 contamination musical DJ_SUGO FROM BERçELONA
unreleased music in Italy Gender Afro-funk LatinBeat
! TANA'S THE 'LIBER @ @ all!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dream Matte Mousse Blush

PRESENTATION FREE Jin Shin Do - Saturday, December 5, 2009 10:00 PM

On this date I shall refer the presentation of the technique of acupressure Jin Shin Do. This is a chat and a brief session of well-being. Why not?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Apartment Laundry Install

LIVORNO - October 23, 2009 - LATE SUMMER JSD JSD

Beautiful people that spoke at the presentation of this gray Friday. People with something in his hands and soul, I was not hard to explain the few necessary things, the introduction of JSD, you may have forgotten to give me the excessive emphasis that is so fashionable nowadays driven marketing main change is that the JSD is good!
GOOD because it creates well-being
GOOD because it distorts reality, even helps keep your feet on the ground
well GOOD because it is not going to be part of any sect
GOOD because it's kind that makes art education played a primary rule
GOOD because it makes meeting people like us! Thanks

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Price Of Taxi License In Ohio

it's nice to live free!

Contact: 0464 504700

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Is The Bushnell 3200 A Good Scope?


here's some photos ... thanks to all.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cocks In Mouth On Boats


For those interested there will be an evening presentation of the art 23 October 2009, Friday, at 21:00.

The following calendar is as follows:
- Introductory course in the days October 31 and November 1, 2009;
- Basic Course in November 2009, date to be fixed.

via Goito, 51 57100 LIVORNO

Monday, June 22, 2009

Free 50th Wedding Anniversary Speeches From Son

Scenario Award Winner for 2009 Ustica:

is good to live FREE! Inspired by the biography of
Before rolling partisan of Italy
deported to Auschwitz No. 81672

Marta Cuscunà
(Ronchi dei Legionari - Gorizia)

construction objects Belinda De Vito scene
lights and audio Marco Rogante
lighting design Claudio Parrino
Operaestate Festival Veneto
Care and Promotion
Centrale Fies
With the support of the Provincial Committee for the promotion of the values \u200b\u200bof resistance and of the Republican Constitution of Gorizia, ANPI Provincial Committee Gorizia, ANPI Chamber of Ronchi dei Legionari, youth centers of the Municipality of Monfalcone, Sandro Pertini Biblioteca Comunale di Ronchi dei Legionari, City of San Vito al Tagliamento Department for goods and cultural activities, the Regional Government of Friuli Venezia Giulia Theatre, Polo Youth Aggregation Toti of the Municipality of Trieste

Lo spettacolo

Un progetto di teatro civile per un'attrice, 5 burattini e un pupazzo.

È bello vivere liberi! è uno spettacolo per liberare la Resistenza dal grigiume della retorica.

Per restituire all'idea di antifascismo la luce e l'entusiasmo che la accompagnarono anche nelle situazioni più difficili.

Per riappropriaci della gioia, delle risate, delle speranze dei partigiani che sono state soffocate dallo sterile nozionismo.

is a sight to discover the vibrant atmosphere and amazing at that time in our history when everything seemed possible.

That is good to live free! is dedicated to all those who have studied the anti-fascism only on school books, because for them the strength to become "party in April."

Jury statement:

It's nice to live in freedom gives the flavor of resistance lived outside of any celebration or hardening rhetoric.
staff resistance, marked by a time of impetuous youth that is a challenge, choice and personal at stake.
political resistance, where the protagonist, Undine encounters history and its violence.
Resistance poetry, horror and undo moves.
Resistance teenager who meets the blood, the suffering, the cries, but continues to affirm the necessity of joy and happiness even in the most extreme Undine lives.
Ondina, which has sought Marta Cuscunà tracks through a thorough work on historical sources, in memory of its territory and through the words of those who met her. Entertainment atypical
happily combines a fresh and effective work of narrative, attentive to small gestures of everyday life, in amazement of the girl with the craft of puppet, which takes its characters, it blows away the dust e li riconsegna, felicemente reinventati, a una comunicazione efficace, archetipica, popolare.
In questa ricerca anche l’orrore del lager può essere raccontato, senza che lo spettacolo perda lo straordinario candore e la felicità nel racconto della storia che ancora siamo.

La storia

Lo spettacolo si ispira all'omonima biografia di Ondina Peteani scritta dalla storica Anna Di Gianantonio (Ed. IRSML FVG, 2007).
Ondina che, a soli 17 years, lights up in an uncontrollable need for freedom and it turns out unable to stand on the sidelines, aware and determined to act to change their country.

Ondina part in the fight against fascism in Venezia Giulia, where the resistance starts earlier than in the rest of Italy in collaboration with the Slovenian partisan groups already created in 1941 to oppose the fascist occupation of Yugoslav territory.

His career began with secret meetings where the school of communism, with extraordinary advance bloom, the values \u200b\u200bof women's emancipation and equality between men and women. At 18, Ondina relay becomes partisan and begins to address the most unusual missions, even entering to be part of a special command to delete a notorious traitor: Blech. Ondina also participates in the formation of the Proletarian Brigade, when more than 1500 workers, all together and still in overalls, is coming to the Carso, to join the partisans.

His story, however, is abruptly turned upside down in '43, when only nineteen, is plunged into the nightmare of the Nazi deportation. But it is precisely in this dramatic moment that Undine ends up with persistent awareness the only possible answer: Resistance! Why is it beautiful to live free!


I would like to tell all this through different languages: the evidence (to recreate the atmosphere and spirit of those years through the words of those who lived in first person), the civil monologue (to create a thread conductor between the story and a contemporary point of view), the puppets (to find the form of popular theater that they were using in the partisans who wrote and acted in dramatic sketches to celebrate the victories), the puppet theater with puppets (to tell in so evocative of the horror of the camps, because a puppet can do everything, even the most terrible, because the relationship between puppet and manipulator è uguale a quello tra deportato e aguzzino; perché davanti alle immagini delle persone deportate ad Auschwitz lo shock emotivo è fortissimo e fa distogliere lo sguardo, mentre davanti a un pupazzo picchiato e umiliato si resta a guardare fino in fondo e l'emotività lascia spazio alla riflessione).

La biografia di Ondina mi ha letteralmente entusiasmata, scossa, “accesa”. Ho incontrato una ragazza, poco più giovane di me, incapace di restare a guardare, cosciente e determinata ad agire per cambiare il proprio Paese; con un’intuizione fundamental: the woman is an indispensable source for Peace and Justice. An example of active participation, of how individuals can become indispensable for the life of an entire people.

On the other hand the story of Undine has allowed me to watch the nightmare of Nazi concentration camps from a particular point of view, not only by the person who was guilty of being the only jew, gay, handicapped, but also who had made a brave choice of field and definitive. Ondina has been deported, humiliated, tortured and deprived of his identity because he struggled for freedom and chose to stand, despite everything.

an urgent need to tell this story, oggi, perché “chi è senza memoria è senza futuro” e in Italia molti hanno dimenticato troppo in fretta il significato della Resistenza.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Where To Find Starters In Pokemon Deluge


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Is It Ok To Bike With Achilles Tendonitis

REUTERS GetPublished

"Acupuncture makes more relief to people with back pain compared with standard treatments, whether done with a toothpick than with a true August This says a study that raises fresh debate about the functioning of acupuncture. "
" In Another study has been written that even the light touch of the skin can induce some hormonal and emotional reaction, which may explain the benefit. "

operators Jin Shin Do We had the same feeling. That is, without using needles, without resorting to sticks of some kind, or several bites, but just using your fingers to press the same points that acupuncturists use could alleviate many forms of pain. JSD
The typical customer with a good response to treatment often report that the sensations of pain prior to the pressure with your fingers or have disappeared or at least diminished. Operators between us has always spoken of these little miracles accumulated over time more than for this technique. Certainly we have never understood the relief of the customer as clinical cure, but certainly recognize the technique of being able to offer help to live better with their hardships.
When I read these few lines I had the idea "I told you so" but I certainly felt comforted in my belief. What is modern science and met with what is old and the result of much empirical wisdom, linked also to hear.
The complete article, published by Reuters, is the link:
I've also made a translation rule that would be glad to send anyone interested.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Urethral Warts Diagram


29/04 È bello vivere liberi! Teatro Arcipelago , Pianoro (BO)
27/04 È bello vivere liberi! Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara, Trento
19-20/04 È bello vivere liberi! Teatro Verdi , Pordenone
18/04 È bello vivere liberi! San Donà di Piave (VE)
16/04 È bello vivere liberi! Teatro di Ragazzola (PR)
15/04 It's nice to live free! Court Theatre, Giarola - Collecchio (PR) 10-11/04
It's nice to live free! Auditorium Corelli, Fusignano (RA) 8-9/04
It's nice to live free! Looks Review, Castel Maggiore (BO) 03.25
It's nice to live free! Theater Review Open , Vittoria (RG) 3.19
It's nice to live free! Thousand and special an Italy, Teatro Sociale, Como
16/03 It's nice to live free! Breathe scene, Theatre Tosti, Ortona (CH) 02.02
It's nice to live free! Teatro delle Api, Porto Sant 'Elpidio (AP) It's nice
31/01 live free! matinee, Kulturni Dom, Gorizia
27/01 It's nice to live free! Teatro Novelli Hermes, Rimini
26/01 It's nice to live free! Teatro Bramante, Urbania (PU) 1.25
It's nice to live free!, Theater Assembly, Torino
22/01 It's nice to live free! MedicinaTeatro , Medicina (BO) 01.20
It's nice to live free! Centro Cultural Services S. Chiara, Trento
14-15/01 It's nice to live free! The Piccionaia , Vicenza
14/01 It's nice to live free! matinee and evening The Piccionaia , Vicenza
--------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------
17/12 È bello vivere liberi! matinée per le scuole di Ronchi dei Legionari (GO)
16-17/12 È bello vivere liberi! Auditorium, Ronchi dei Legionari (GO)
04/12 È bello vivere liberi! Un Altro Volto – rassegna di Teatro di Figura per adulti , Teatro Mo.Mo.Ti. Monserrato (CA)
01/12 È bello vivere liberi! Teatro Cinema Moderno , Agliana
27/11 È bello vivere liberi! Valdelsa off "Drammaturgie sensibili" , Teatro I Macelli , Certaldo
12/11 È bello vivere liberi! La Conigliera di Castelminio di Resana (TV)
16/10 È bello live free! Theatres Autumn , the Arts Centre skyscraper, Livorno
15/10 It's nice to live free! Festival Incanti , international festival of puppetry , Torino
04/10 It's nice to live free! (Extract of 20 minutes) Review Wire , Salzano (VE)
24/10 It's nice to live free! Emergencies Mediterranee 2010, Montorio (TE) 9.10
It's nice to live free! Shorttheater , Rome
05/09 It's nice to live free! invisible theater , Groton (AP) It's nice
26/08 live free! Malafesta Festival, Santarcangelo di Romagna
21/08 It's nice to live free! Night '10 Black , Municipality of Serra de 'Conti (AN) 4.8
It's nice to live free! Garden memory, via Saliceto 3 / 22, Bologna
21/07 It's nice to live free! Cabins and Puppet Festival , Senigallia
17/07 and nice to live free! Comisso Auditorium at Villa Guidini Zero Branco, Treviso
10/07 It's nice to live free! Marano lagoon
09/07 It's nice to live free! Ground Water Festival / Earth-moon , Imola
04/07 and nice to live free! Status Festival quo, Casalgrande (RE) 30-31/05
It's nice to live free! Teatro del Buratto , Milan
22/05 It's nice to live free! Teatro del Baglio, Villafrati (PA) 04.05
It's nice to live free! Scandiano (RE) 30.04
It's nice to live free! Town of Turriff (GO) 27/04
It's nice to live free! Theater Review Needed , Sesto San Giovanni (MI)
25/04 and nice to live free! Theatre Asioli, Correggio (RE) 24.04
It's nice to live free! S. Vito al Tagliamento (PN)
23/04 It's nice to live free! Italy Cinema Theatre, Solihull (MO) 04.22
It's nice to live free! Theater Review Traces of copyright , Pieve di Cento (BO) 04.20
It's nice to live free! Town of Bassano del Grappa (VI)
17/04 and nice to live free! Modern Cinema Theatre, Agliana (PT) 16.4
It's nice to live free! Comune di Massa (MS) 04.14
It's nice to live free! San Dona di Piave (VE)
11/04 It's nice to live free! Serramazzoni (MO) 04.10
It's nice to live free! Theatre Philharmonic Hall, raining di Sacco (PD) 02.04
It's nice to live free! Cough Theatre, Genoa
20/03 It's nice to live free! Echidnacultura, Dolo
13/03 It's nice to live free! Theatre De Micheli, Ferrara
11/03 It's nice to live free! Review TrEATRO , Sarezzo
07/03 It's nice to live free! unduly Season, Theatre Rosaspina Montescudo
26/02 It's nice to live free! Inteatro Review, 2-3/03 Roncadelle
It's nice to live free! Quarticciolo Theatre, Rome
23/02 It's nice to live free! Theatre Miela , Trieste
20/02 It's nice to live free! Teatro Eleonora Duse, Asolo
12/02 It's nice to live free! Fontemaggiore Theatre, Spello
11/02 It's nice to live free! Teatro Kismet Opera , Bari
07/02 It's nice to live free! Teatro Due Mondi , Faenza
5-6/02 It's nice to live free! ITC Theatre, S. Lazzaro
31/01 It's nice to live free! R-Existence Festival , Orvieto
29-30/01 It's nice to live free! Crumbs Theater, Parma 28/01
It's nice to live free! Theatre Season Pasolini, Cervignano
27/01 It's nice to live free! Season Css and Akropolis, Udine 26-27
It's nice to live free! Season TIG , CSS, Udine
25/01 It's nice to live free! Theatre Giocovita , Piacenza
23/01/10 It's nice to live free! Festival Esteuropaovest , Loro Piceno
------------------------------------------ -----------------------
29/11 It's nice to live free! Teatro Nuovo Montevergini , Palermo
22/11 Zoé, Topic Internazional Puppet Center, Toulouse
21/11 Zoé, S. Celoni (Barcelona) 16/11
Zoe, Olot (Girona), Cataluña
30-31/10 bedeviled! Trieste, Rossetti Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia
15/10 DEBUT It's nice to live free! Modena, Festival Way
30 / 9 is good to live free! S. Benedetto del Tronto, Invisible Theatre Festival
26-27/9 Zoé Charleville, Le Festival Mondial des Theatres de Marionnettes
10-13/9 Zoe, Tárrega, Spain, Catalonia, Fira Tàrrega
28 / 7 It's good to live free! Dro, Italy , Festival drodesera Fies 09
24 / 7 It's good to live free! Volterra, Italy, Festival Volterrateatro
20 / 7 Zoe, Granada, Andalucia, Fundacion Federico Garcia Lorca
26 / 6 Zoé, Zurich, Switzerland
19-21/6 It's nice to live free! Santarcangelo , Final Award Scenario
06 / 6 Zoe, Valladolid, España, Cataluña
02/05 Zoe, Lleida, España, Cataluña, Titelles de Fira de Lleida
17 / 3 is good live free! Parma, second selection Scenario Award
18 / 1 It's nice to live liberi! Dro, prima selezione Premio Scenario

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Is Legit

biography zoe

Sono nata a Monfalcone, piccola città operaia famosa per il cantiere navale, dove si costruiscono le navi da crociera più grandi del mondo e per il triste primato dei decessi per malattie causate dall'amianto.
Nel 2001 partecipo al laboratorio Fare Teatro ideato e condotto da Luisa Vermiglio per il Comune di Monfalcone . Questa intensa esperienza che unisce la ricerca teatrale alla riflessione sulle dinamiche sociali del territorio diventa, per me, una sorta di imprinting artistico.
Il percorso formativo più importante prende avvio grazie a Prima del Teatro: Scuola Europea per l’Arte Actor, where I meet some great masters of contemporary theater.
These include
Joan Baixas, director of the Teatro de la clac of Barcelona which explores the visual language of the theater; José Sanchis Sinisterra, Fronterizo and founder of the Theatre de la Sala Beckett in Barcelona with a study on insult choral music both as actress and as a playwright, and many others.

In 2004 debut as a professional actress in shows Pesciomìni GPS position of Hugh and Robin Pippo Tullio Altan, produced by CTA-Centro Regional Theatre and Animation Figures of Gorizia. On this occasion, meeting Belinda De Vito, who looks after the sets and puppets for both shows, which begin with a reliable and fruitful collaboration, still in progress.
In 2006 overseas debut as an actress in a major professional production Catalan: Merma Neverdies , Joan Miro show with puppets, directed by Joan Baixas, produced by Barcelona-Elsinore exclusively for the Tate Modern Gallery in London . With this show touches on some important European markets such as The Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin, The World Heritage Festival of Ortigia, the Teatro Español in Madrid, Die Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany, the Fundació Miró in Palma de Mallorca, the Museum Guggenheim Bilbao, and others.
In 2007 I moved back to the scene in Italy with bedeviled! , show Giuliana and Carlo Musso Tolazzi, directed by Massimo Somaglino, produced by Theatre Club Udine and Rossetti, Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia.
are currently European tour with the show Zoe, the latest production of Theatre de la Compañía Clach Barcelona, \u200b\u200bheaded by Joan Baixas. In Italy
present the final award Scenario my new project It's nice to live free! For Belinda De Vito who built the props and Mark Rogante edited the audio.

Jc Penny Hair Salon Price List

Melodrama en siete actos,
con diversas y sorprendentes magias escénicas:
títeres de guante, sombras chinescas, animación de luces,
objetos manipulados, pintura en directo, video y otros efectos exquisitos.
Producido por: Companyia Teatro de la Claca, 23Arts y Teatre Lliure ,
con la colaboración del Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

Concepción e interpretación
Juan F. Baixas
Juan F. Baixas, Marta Cuscunà
Musical Composition
Agustí Fernández
Producción Ejecutiva
Roser Vilà

above and below some photos of the show

above: Replication in Zurich

... This is me at the end of a hard day of testing with Joan!

Rio Ferdinand Follando


bedeviled of Tolazzi Carlo and Giuliana Musso is a production of Teatro Stabile del Teatro Club Udine and Friuli Venezia Giulia : the show comes from a long workshop and focuses on the story of the "possessed" by Verzegnis.
director Massimo

Sandra Cosatto, Cuscunà Marta, Fabiano Fantini, Riccardo Maranzana,
Scridel Federico, Massimo Somaglino
elements sets and costumes
Belinda De Vito
music and design lights
Claudio Parrino

some photos of evidence