is good to live FREE! Inspired by the biography of
Before rolling partisan of Italy
deported to Auschwitz No. 81672
Marta Cuscunà (Ronchi dei Legionari - Gorizia)
construction objects Belinda De Vito scene
lights and audio Marco Rogante
lighting design Claudio Parrino
Operaestate Festival Veneto
Care and Promotion
Centrale Fies
With the support of the Provincial Committee for the promotion of the values \u200b\u200bof resistance and of the Republican Constitution of Gorizia, ANPI Provincial Committee Gorizia, ANPI Chamber of Ronchi dei Legionari, youth centers of the Municipality of Monfalcone, Sandro Pertini Biblioteca Comunale di Ronchi dei Legionari, City of San Vito al Tagliamento Department for goods and cultural activities, the Regional Government of Friuli Venezia Giulia Theatre, Polo Youth Aggregation Toti of the Municipality of Trieste
Lo spettacolo
Un progetto di teatro civile per un'attrice, 5 burattini e un pupazzo.
È bello vivere liberi! è uno spettacolo per liberare la Resistenza dal grigiume della retorica.
Per restituire all'idea di antifascismo la luce e l'entusiasmo che la accompagnarono anche nelle situazioni più difficili.
Per riappropriaci della gioia, delle risate, delle speranze dei partigiani che sono state soffocate dallo sterile nozionismo.
is a sight to discover the vibrant atmosphere and amazing at that time in our history when everything seemed possible.
That is good to live free! is dedicated to all those who have studied the anti-fascism only on school books, because for them the strength to become "party in April."
Jury statement:
It's nice to live in freedom gives the flavor of resistance lived outside of any celebration or hardening rhetoric.
staff resistance, marked by a time of impetuous youth that is a challenge, choice and personal at stake.
political resistance, where the protagonist, Undine encounters history and its violence.
Resistance poetry, horror and undo moves.
Resistance teenager who meets the blood, the suffering, the cries, but continues to affirm the necessity of joy and happiness even in the most extreme Undine lives.
Ondina, which has sought Marta Cuscunà tracks through a thorough work on historical sources, in memory of its territory and through the words of those who met her. Entertainment atypical
happily combines a fresh and effective work of narrative, attentive to small gestures of everyday life, in amazement of the girl with the craft of puppet, which takes its characters, it blows away the dust e li riconsegna, felicemente reinventati, a una comunicazione efficace, archetipica, popolare.
In questa ricerca anche l’orrore del lager può essere raccontato, senza che lo spettacolo perda lo straordinario candore e la felicità nel racconto della storia che ancora siamo.
Un progetto di teatro civile per un'attrice, 5 burattini e un pupazzo.
È bello vivere liberi! è uno spettacolo per liberare la Resistenza dal grigiume della retorica.
Per restituire all'idea di antifascismo la luce e l'entusiasmo che la accompagnarono anche nelle situazioni più difficili.
Per riappropriaci della gioia, delle risate, delle speranze dei partigiani che sono state soffocate dallo sterile nozionismo.
is a sight to discover the vibrant atmosphere and amazing at that time in our history when everything seemed possible.
That is good to live free! is dedicated to all those who have studied the anti-fascism only on school books, because for them the strength to become "party in April."
Jury statement:
It's nice to live in freedom gives the flavor of resistance lived outside of any celebration or hardening rhetoric.
staff resistance, marked by a time of impetuous youth that is a challenge, choice and personal at stake.
political resistance, where the protagonist, Undine encounters history and its violence.
Resistance poetry, horror and undo moves.
Resistance teenager who meets the blood, the suffering, the cries, but continues to affirm the necessity of joy and happiness even in the most extreme Undine lives.
Ondina, which has sought Marta Cuscunà tracks through a thorough work on historical sources, in memory of its territory and through the words of those who met her. Entertainment atypical
happily combines a fresh and effective work of narrative, attentive to small gestures of everyday life, in amazement of the girl with the craft of puppet, which takes its characters, it blows away the dust e li riconsegna, felicemente reinventati, a una comunicazione efficace, archetipica, popolare.
In questa ricerca anche l’orrore del lager può essere raccontato, senza che lo spettacolo perda lo straordinario candore e la felicità nel racconto della storia che ancora siamo.

La storia
Lo spettacolo si ispira all'omonima biografia di Ondina Peteani scritta dalla storica Anna Di Gianantonio (Ed. IRSML FVG, 2007).
Ondina che, a soli 17 years, lights up in an uncontrollable need for freedom and it turns out unable to stand on the sidelines, aware and determined to act to change their country.
Ondina part in the fight against fascism in Venezia Giulia, where the resistance starts earlier than in the rest of Italy in collaboration with the Slovenian partisan groups already created in 1941 to oppose the fascist occupation of Yugoslav territory.
His career began with secret meetings where the school of communism, with extraordinary advance bloom, the values \u200b\u200bof women's emancipation and equality between men and women. At 18, Ondina relay becomes partisan and begins to address the most unusual missions, even entering to be part of a special command to delete a notorious traitor: Blech. Ondina also participates in the formation of the Proletarian Brigade, when more than 1500 workers, all together and still in overalls, is coming to the Carso, to join the partisans.
His story, however, is abruptly turned upside down in '43, when only nineteen, is plunged into the nightmare of the Nazi deportation. But it is precisely in this dramatic moment that Undine ends up with persistent awareness the only possible answer: Resistance! Why is it beautiful to live free!
Ondina che, a soli 17 years, lights up in an uncontrollable need for freedom and it turns out unable to stand on the sidelines, aware and determined to act to change their country.
Ondina part in the fight against fascism in Venezia Giulia, where the resistance starts earlier than in the rest of Italy in collaboration with the Slovenian partisan groups already created in 1941 to oppose the fascist occupation of Yugoslav territory.
His career began with secret meetings where the school of communism, with extraordinary advance bloom, the values \u200b\u200bof women's emancipation and equality between men and women. At 18, Ondina relay becomes partisan and begins to address the most unusual missions, even entering to be part of a special command to delete a notorious traitor: Blech. Ondina also participates in the formation of the Proletarian Brigade, when more than 1500 workers, all together and still in overalls, is coming to the Carso, to join the partisans.
His story, however, is abruptly turned upside down in '43, when only nineteen, is plunged into the nightmare of the Nazi deportation. But it is precisely in this dramatic moment that Undine ends up with persistent awareness the only possible answer: Resistance! Why is it beautiful to live free!

I would like to tell all this through different languages: the evidence (to recreate the atmosphere and spirit of those years through the words of those who lived in first person), the civil monologue (to create a thread conductor between the story and a contemporary point of view), the puppets (to find the form of popular theater that they were using in the partisans who wrote and acted in dramatic sketches to celebrate the victories), the puppet theater with puppets (to tell in so evocative of the horror of the camps, because a puppet can do everything, even the most terrible, because the relationship between puppet and manipulator è uguale a quello tra deportato e aguzzino; perché davanti alle immagini delle persone deportate ad Auschwitz lo shock emotivo è fortissimo e fa distogliere lo sguardo, mentre davanti a un pupazzo picchiato e umiliato si resta a guardare fino in fondo e l'emotività lascia spazio alla riflessione).
La biografia di Ondina mi ha letteralmente entusiasmata, scossa, “accesa”. Ho incontrato una ragazza, poco più giovane di me, incapace di restare a guardare, cosciente e determinata ad agire per cambiare il proprio Paese; con un’intuizione fundamental: the woman is an indispensable source for Peace and Justice. An example of active participation, of how individuals can become indispensable for the life of an entire people.
On the other hand the story of Undine has allowed me to watch the nightmare of Nazi concentration camps from a particular point of view, not only by the person who was guilty of being the only jew, gay, handicapped, but also who had made a brave choice of field and definitive. Ondina has been deported, humiliated, tortured and deprived of his identity because he struggled for freedom and chose to stand, despite everything.
an urgent need to tell this story, oggi, perché “chi è senza memoria è senza futuro” e in Italia molti hanno dimenticato troppo in fretta il significato della Resistenza.
On the other hand the story of Undine has allowed me to watch the nightmare of Nazi concentration camps from a particular point of view, not only by the person who was guilty of being the only jew, gay, handicapped, but also who had made a brave choice of field and definitive. Ondina has been deported, humiliated, tortured and deprived of his identity because he struggled for freedom and chose to stand, despite everything.
an urgent need to tell this story, oggi, perché “chi è senza memoria è senza futuro” e in Italia molti hanno dimenticato troppo in fretta il significato della Resistenza.