Monday, September 13, 2010

Selling Truck Canopies In Edmonton

DISTRICT 3 - QI-GONG met.XiuZhenDao

Qi-Gong improves the quality of energy (qi) of the organism. Affects ISIC and mental coordination and control of breathing. It 'also called Long Life Fitness . Dr.

teacher. Elena Brizzi

- Shapes of sounds
December 6 and January 6 lessons (35 €): Rene
sound of February and March 6 lessons (35 €): Spleen
sound-March 23 April 13 4 lessons (25 €): the sound of Liver
April 20 to May 25 6 lessons (35 €): the sound of Heart and Triple Heater

The courses will be held at the CENTRE GAVINUPPIA - via Great Britain, 48 - FIRENZE
Participation in prime time is always free.

Information: monica 3383121932 -