Imagine you are lying on your back, comfortable clothes and a cot. The eyes were already closed and the breath is slow and deep.
practitioner's work begins in your neck, below the shoulders. He presses gently on points and security, is intuitively all areas of tension. No pain. Feeling weak beats, almost vibration, corresponding to the pressure. The tension begins to melt, a pleasant warmth spreads. The pressure acts to move more deeply into the fabric and then on successive points, two in two, creating an energy bridge between them.
you feel transported into a state of deep relaxation. The energy begins to flow back into your body. In your perception come to define shapes and colors. Images or memories long dormant could reappearance to mind. As you relax and the tension is lost, you feel emotionally open. Perhaps a feeling, now distant in time, emerges and disappears.
It's okay. Do you feel supported and understood, together actively in the process you are living. It 's the place and the right time. You are invited to lead the way most natural for you: to be silent or to communicate your feelings, if you wish. Your concentration is being urged to remain in the body and its messages. The operator will listen.
you realize that the course of the session and the intensity of the action are controlled by you, even without words. The practitioner follows you, respond to the signals your body moves, where attention is required. E 'in constant contact with you.
Shortly after the end of the session, you feel very relaxed, more open, connected and centered. Acupressure Jin Shin Do ® has given you the welcome.
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