Saturday, April 25, 2009

Is Legit

biography zoe

Sono nata a Monfalcone, piccola città operaia famosa per il cantiere navale, dove si costruiscono le navi da crociera più grandi del mondo e per il triste primato dei decessi per malattie causate dall'amianto.
Nel 2001 partecipo al laboratorio Fare Teatro ideato e condotto da Luisa Vermiglio per il Comune di Monfalcone . Questa intensa esperienza che unisce la ricerca teatrale alla riflessione sulle dinamiche sociali del territorio diventa, per me, una sorta di imprinting artistico.
Il percorso formativo più importante prende avvio grazie a Prima del Teatro: Scuola Europea per l’Arte Actor, where I meet some great masters of contemporary theater.
These include
Joan Baixas, director of the Teatro de la clac of Barcelona which explores the visual language of the theater; José Sanchis Sinisterra, Fronterizo and founder of the Theatre de la Sala Beckett in Barcelona with a study on insult choral music both as actress and as a playwright, and many others.

In 2004 debut as a professional actress in shows Pesciomìni GPS position of Hugh and Robin Pippo Tullio Altan, produced by CTA-Centro Regional Theatre and Animation Figures of Gorizia. On this occasion, meeting Belinda De Vito, who looks after the sets and puppets for both shows, which begin with a reliable and fruitful collaboration, still in progress.
In 2006 overseas debut as an actress in a major professional production Catalan: Merma Neverdies , Joan Miro show with puppets, directed by Joan Baixas, produced by Barcelona-Elsinore exclusively for the Tate Modern Gallery in London . With this show touches on some important European markets such as The Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin, The World Heritage Festival of Ortigia, the Teatro Español in Madrid, Die Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany, the Fundació Miró in Palma de Mallorca, the Museum Guggenheim Bilbao, and others.
In 2007 I moved back to the scene in Italy with bedeviled! , show Giuliana and Carlo Musso Tolazzi, directed by Massimo Somaglino, produced by Theatre Club Udine and Rossetti, Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia.
are currently European tour with the show Zoe, the latest production of Theatre de la Compañía Clach Barcelona, \u200b\u200bheaded by Joan Baixas. In Italy
present the final award Scenario my new project It's nice to live free! For Belinda De Vito who built the props and Mark Rogante edited the audio.

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Melodrama en siete actos,
con diversas y sorprendentes magias escénicas:
títeres de guante, sombras chinescas, animación de luces,
objetos manipulados, pintura en directo, video y otros efectos exquisitos.
Producido por: Companyia Teatro de la Claca, 23Arts y Teatre Lliure ,
con la colaboración del Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

Concepción e interpretación
Juan F. Baixas
Juan F. Baixas, Marta Cuscunà
Musical Composition
Agustí Fernández
Producción Ejecutiva
Roser Vilà

above and below some photos of the show

above: Replication in Zurich

... This is me at the end of a hard day of testing with Joan!

Rio Ferdinand Follando


bedeviled of Tolazzi Carlo and Giuliana Musso is a production of Teatro Stabile del Teatro Club Udine and Friuli Venezia Giulia : the show comes from a long workshop and focuses on the story of the "possessed" by Verzegnis.
director Massimo

Sandra Cosatto, Cuscunà Marta, Fabiano Fantini, Riccardo Maranzana,
Scridel Federico, Massimo Somaglino
elements sets and costumes
Belinda De Vito
music and design lights
Claudio Parrino

some photos of evidence

Broken Blood Vessel Capillaries In Leg

Merma neverdies

Mermi NEVERDIES. Mocking
Aspects of power on the grotesque. New version of the show el Merma Mori (1978) reproducing the characters painted by Joan Miró. Opened in 2006 at the Tate Modern of London, is show with a street parade and live music.

Ridiculitzant els aspectes grotescos of poder. Nova verses Mori de l'espectacle the Sinking (1978), which reprodueix personatges Pintats els per Joan Miró. Estrenat 2006 at the Tate Modern in London, is one of carrer amb espectacle cercavila i live music.

save Sinking il video di alla Tate Modern Gallery

The spectacle of parades 'Nuncamuere Sinking', with characters created by Joan Miró and Juan Baixas mid 70's.
Since its debut as "The Sinking Mori 'in 1978, the unique show toured the world, to reappear only in the Tate Gallery in London in 2006. Leakage
Nuncamuere origins come from the character of King Ubu, created by Alfred Jarry en 1896, y transformado en 'Mori el Merma' en 1978, prototipo de dictador rudo y sanguinario. El espectáculo hace una parodia del poder, ridiculizando al tirano en una ceremonia caótica y surreal.

Motivos de crítica con la democracia, Merma ha pasado de ser monstruo temible a fantoche ridículo, para acabar siendo un pobre hombre, un mequetrefe, aunque siempre crítico, sarcástico, cáustico y políticamente incorrecto. El Merma de hoy parece que se ocupará de nuevos motivos de crítica, como la globalización, el consumo y la degeneración mediática.

En el pasacalles, el Nuncamuere irá acompañado de su mujer, su caballo, ministros y banda de música.

Compact Motorized Bicycle

youth theater


CTA Regional Centre of Theatre and Animation Figures
Ugo GPS position and Sergio Bon
with Marta Cuscunà
directed by Roberto Piaggio
sets and costumes by Belinda De Vito
images of Sergio Bon
music by Claudio Parrino

some photos of the show