Friday, November 26, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Averagemuscle Percentage Women
Work Recovery

Some time ago, my friend Sussi, its blog asocial, hoped that Prao shut. Wish for the most part fulfilled, since Prao, after closing scientifically anything that looks like a bit of thinking and having left the field open to all its worst (in fact already widely latent), in June 2009 has seen fit to surrender to a gang of followers of a known pimp and two-bit racist in green shirt, everything, of course, with the mirage of change and turn the page. The usual mischmasch of degradation, sihurezza, icinesieciannorovinàho, entrepreneurship, oraesiripàrte, praoapraèsi, insegneinitagliàno so on.
The results we have at hand and under the eyes. The wool over the eyes of some useless retàha (obviously from strombazzatissima Country ) du 'or three signs in Chinese covered, a city where Fascists and fascistelli roam free, the usual puttanaio, yes, but the deterioration of civic consciousness, the carogneria risen to modus operandi and an economy increasingly obsolete, superseded, doomed to inconsistency, myopia and arrogance grama. Long ago, the Minister Maroni spoke of Prato model, and if this is the model, a trend s'ha anything. To emphasize this was necessary only to have the patience to wait a while ' the icing, which has run very well come to cherries in recent days. After 63 years of
domain of the left (and left bright and immense, it must be said!) Prao had finally given the 'sindaho' mprenditore . Oh, maybe pole Prao they '' nferiore the country that surrounds it? And that farmer: no other than the president of the industrial praèsi, as well as master (but now no longer say "master": it is said shareholder ) of Sasch , company lide 'n'i' field of nothingness, rags But with money from two prestigious brand , sponsorship of Missitàglia the Saschall, and Sascha and Sascha from here to there. The success in MEID Prao (however, on advertising, there was always written "Sascha - Florence" Is he the name of Prato is not considered so attractive even from a Prato?). Here, in these days the place is Sasch mayor's failing miserably. 395 jobs at risk and no risk for the Chinese, but a crisis that terrifying place of their friends and cronies and his council of boy scouts have not been able to address in any way, preferring to deceive, cover it and attribute it to scapegoats fomenting racism, intolerance and carogneria (as seen well in the case of three Chinese women drowned in the underpass.)
termination. Liquidation. And there are things that happen at any moment. You'd think that the 'successful entrepreneur we have wanted to make sure to find a nice niche audience by the mayor, to seek refuge when the waters would make it shake. A full-scale cheating, consumed with the usual weapons of ignorance, propaganda, media servile and so Prao continues inexorably to close. Without fake "demonstrations", without jeremiads television without FLAG mileage and probably also in the crass indifference of Prato; much 'and a touch miha at mene. The Nation che seguita a strombazzare, le aziende che continuano a chiudere come pere marce che cascano a terra, un rapporto con la comunità cinese che oramai è al limite del conflitto e nessun futuro . E, in questo, Prato è sicuramente un modello, o un paradigma. È il modello dell'insipienza, della superbia e del pressappochismo che attanaglia tutta l'Italia. E intanto guardiamoci, sì, questi bei Cenni di ripresa. Di ripresa sì: nel culo .
The results we have at hand and under the eyes. The wool over the eyes of some useless retàha (obviously from strombazzatissima Country ) du 'or three signs in Chinese covered, a city where Fascists and fascistelli roam free, the usual puttanaio, yes, but the deterioration of civic consciousness, the carogneria risen to modus operandi and an economy increasingly obsolete, superseded, doomed to inconsistency, myopia and arrogance grama. Long ago, the Minister Maroni spoke of Prato model, and if this is the model, a trend s'ha anything. To emphasize this was necessary only to have the patience to wait a while ' the icing, which has run very well come to cherries in recent days. After 63 years of
domain of the left (and left bright and immense, it must be said!) Prao had finally given the 'sindaho' mprenditore . Oh, maybe pole Prao they '' nferiore the country that surrounds it? And that farmer: no other than the president of the industrial praèsi, as well as master (but now no longer say "master": it is said shareholder ) of Sasch , company lide 'n'i' field of nothingness, rags But with money from two prestigious brand , sponsorship of Missitàglia the Saschall, and Sascha and Sascha from here to there. The success in MEID Prao (however, on advertising, there was always written "Sascha - Florence" Is he the name of Prato is not considered so attractive even from a Prato?). Here, in these days the place is Sasch mayor's failing miserably. 395 jobs at risk and no risk for the Chinese, but a crisis that terrifying place of their friends and cronies and his council of boy scouts have not been able to address in any way, preferring to deceive, cover it and attribute it to scapegoats fomenting racism, intolerance and carogneria (as seen well in the case of three Chinese women drowned in the underpass.)
termination. Liquidation. And there are things that happen at any moment. You'd think that the 'successful entrepreneur we have wanted to make sure to find a nice niche audience by the mayor, to seek refuge when the waters would make it shake. A full-scale cheating, consumed with the usual weapons of ignorance, propaganda, media servile and so Prao continues inexorably to close. Without fake "demonstrations", without jeremiads television without FLAG mileage and probably also in the crass indifference of Prato; much 'and a touch miha at mene. The Nation che seguita a strombazzare, le aziende che continuano a chiudere come pere marce che cascano a terra, un rapporto con la comunità cinese che oramai è al limite del conflitto e nessun futuro . E, in questo, Prato è sicuramente un modello, o un paradigma. È il modello dell'insipienza, della superbia e del pressappochismo che attanaglia tutta l'Italia. E intanto guardiamoci, sì, questi bei Cenni di ripresa. Di ripresa sì: nel culo .
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Camera Case For Panasonic Lumix
walls, policemen and crosses cèrtihe

Sembra che i solerti tutoridellòrdine abbiano finalmente realizzato un colpo da maestro contro i' ddegrado and pe 'the sihurezza . They stopped, as is clear from a article "Republic" , two dangerous seventeen ( perhaps escaped the complaints of the 'ex sessantottino "Primerano ) that were a bit' by changing one of the thousands of graffiti which Casaggì also called Casaquesturì has smeared all these years with impunity, the whole city without ever receive even a slap. Logic, which is: do not comply with these shining rebels , straprotetti and always ready to whine like babies whenever they were taken back to their natural ridiculous infamous liars, have no other appiglio in questa città che la compiacenza di certe alte sfere . Privi come sono di qualsiasi incidenza sulla cittadinanza, neppure sulla componente giovanile borghese che sarebbe il loro presunto "bacino di utenza", si barcamenano tra le risibili contraddizioni di un "ribellismo" da avanspettacolo di bassa lega ed un servilismo padronale a tutto tondo che rappresenta in fondo la loro essenza più autentica. Il tutto, si badi bene, tra l'indifferenza generalizzata; l'unico riscontro che hanno sono i balocchi che l'antagonismo vero e proprio esegue su di loro, come divertissement per metterli alla costante berlina cui del resto si premurano quotidianamente di mettersi essi stessi, con le loro manine buone al massimo per Saw aborted.
There is one thing I would say the two seventeen unfortunately fell into the rigors of Digos. But as a "fire Casaggì", guys. If you must you stop by the lords of Via Duca d'Aosta, do it for something more worthy and consequent. Assuming that you want and not allowing to set fire to something, focus on something that exists: I know, a pile of dry leaves or a beautiful fireplace. These are real things, which can ignite certain to see the flames. A "Casaggì" it can not be absolutely fire, for the simple reason that there is . But you realize that perhaps have Maruffi away, now, there is a regular palace (Presumably cleaned and disinfected) and that the rebels Bocciaside not even know where to be? They push their insignificant blogghettone, count on a couple of caca scaldapoltrone anyone even glancing, and the remainder of emptiness. "Casaggì is failure. His "action" consisted mainly of two or three shots of 200 yards along the fiaccolatine Mugnone, which was attended by 100 little silly and 400 police in riot gear, and crosses cèrtihe nell'impestare of every square inch of this city without the DIGOS has ever bothered (and God forbid!). End of transmission. Right now I think they're running out also stocks of paint Casaggì is only a bare name , and has absolutely no social value and political. Frigni clashes and in the name of whores, at least it was in the name of fascism. Dear guys, if you want to make anti-fascism go elsewhere. Go to "modify" the written Casaquesturì risk of incurring unnecessary risk of no use, we think those written to Mr. Time, runoff and reducing them to the media for the pigeon crap. Fascism lives elsewhere, nor is it said that employs symbols abused. It might even be impossible place that only a constant attention to social and economic dynamics reveals. "Casaggì" let loose: is dead, buried, forgotten.
There is one thing I would say the two seventeen unfortunately fell into the rigors of Digos. But as a "fire Casaggì", guys. If you must you stop by the lords of Via Duca d'Aosta, do it for something more worthy and consequent. Assuming that you want and not allowing to set fire to something, focus on something that exists: I know, a pile of dry leaves or a beautiful fireplace. These are real things, which can ignite certain to see the flames. A "Casaggì" it can not be absolutely fire, for the simple reason that there is . But you realize that perhaps have Maruffi away, now, there is a regular palace (Presumably cleaned and disinfected) and that the rebels Bocciaside not even know where to be? They push their insignificant blogghettone, count on a couple of caca scaldapoltrone anyone even glancing, and the remainder of emptiness. "Casaggì is failure. His "action" consisted mainly of two or three shots of 200 yards along the fiaccolatine Mugnone, which was attended by 100 little silly and 400 police in riot gear, and crosses cèrtihe nell'impestare of every square inch of this city without the DIGOS has ever bothered (and God forbid!). End of transmission. Right now I think they're running out also stocks of paint Casaggì is only a bare name , and has absolutely no social value and political. Frigni clashes and in the name of whores, at least it was in the name of fascism. Dear guys, if you want to make anti-fascism go elsewhere. Go to "modify" the written Casaquesturì risk of incurring unnecessary risk of no use, we think those written to Mr. Time, runoff and reducing them to the media for the pigeon crap. Fascism lives elsewhere, nor is it said that employs symbols abused. It might even be impossible place that only a constant attention to social and economic dynamics reveals. "Casaggì" let loose: is dead, buried, forgotten.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
How Do Linear Tracking Turntables Work
Pampelba / Παμπέλβα
Sussi Since my friend has been for a couple of days in "his" island of Elba and took some photos, black and white and color, I was asked to host it here since his blog is anti-social these days busy with some essays on the churches and fascism. I told him that I would more than willingly, provided that the place of honor was given to this wonderful companion hair portrait Elba Marciana Marina , in "Pocar Ervino via translator." Below are other photos, satisfying the desire of the author, must be accompanied from very meager information. The title of the post having been left to my discretion, I decided to revive an old island setting: to add "Elba" as a suffix to anything concerning him. Thus, for example, an old soft drink produced locally called "Spumelba. Hence the "Pampelba" which of course sounds quite good! NOTE: All photos were taken November 16, 2010; click on it to enlarge. Sussi said to have taken them with the specific intent to consider the Elbe as a Greek island, and it also takes special pleasure to myself, who added the translation of the scanty information in Greek.
Seccheto. Spiaggia, scirocco.
Segketo. Sand, sirocco.
Fetovaia. Arrivederci.
Fetovagia. Until next time.
Ancora Fetovaia. Nessuno.
Fetovagia even. None.
Fetovaia. Ensamhet.
Fetovagia. Loneliness.
Pomonte. Mandarini e 'a Corsica surella.
Pomonte. Mandarins and corsets or sister.
Pomonte. Il monte dietro (Post montem). Scirocco forte.
Pomonte. Back Mountain (Post montem). Strong sirocco.
Pomonte. Capre libere.
Pomonte. Free goats.
Marciana. La cabinovia del Capanne.
Martsiana. The lift of Kapanne.
Portoferraio. Lapide all'anarchico Pietro Gori.
Portoferraio. Gravestones of anarchisti Pietro Gori.
Portoferraio. Piazza Pietro Gori.
Πορτοφερράιο. Πλατεία Πιέτρο Γκόρι.
Case di Portoferraio. Vento, luce.
Σπίτια στο Πορτοφερράιο. 'Ανεμος, φως.
Portoferraio. Fuoco di luce.
Πορτοφερράιο. Φωτιά από φως.
Marina di Campo. Anatre sul molo.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Πάπιες στο μόλο.
Marina di Campo. Le Scalinate.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Σκαλινάτε.
Marina di Campo. Chiesa di San Gaetano.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Εκκλησία 'Αγιου Καïετάνου.
Marina di Campo. Le Case Nuove.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Οι Νέοι Οίκοι.
Marina di Campo. Piazzetta Teseo Tesei.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Πλατεία Τεζέο Τεζέι.
Seccheto. Spiaggia, scirocco.
Segketo. Sand, sirocco.
Fetovagia. Until next time.
Fetovagia even. None.
Fetovagia. Loneliness.
Pomonte. Mandarins and corsets or sister.
Pomonte. Back Mountain (Post montem). Strong sirocco.
Pomonte. Free goats.
Martsiana. The lift of Kapanne.
Portoferraio. Gravestones of anarchisti Pietro Gori.
Πορτοφερράιο. Πλατεία Πιέτρο Γκόρι.
Σπίτια στο Πορτοφερράιο. 'Ανεμος, φως.
Πορτοφερράιο. Φωτιά από φως.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Πάπιες στο μόλο.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Σκαλινάτε.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Εκκλησία 'Αγιου Καïετάνου.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Οι Νέοι Οίκοι.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Πλατεία Τεζέο Τεζέι.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Black Salons In Brampton
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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