Sussi Since my friend has been for a couple of days in "his" island of Elba and took some photos, black and white and color, I was asked to host it here since his blog is anti-social these days busy with some essays on the churches and fascism. I told him that I would more than willingly, provided that the place of honor was given to this wonderful companion hair portrait Elba Marciana Marina , in "Pocar Ervino via translator." Below are other photos, satisfying the desire of the author, must be accompanied from very meager information. The title of the post having been left to my discretion, I decided to revive an old island setting: to add "Elba" as a suffix to anything concerning him. Thus, for example, an old soft drink produced locally called "Spumelba. Hence the "Pampelba" which of course sounds quite good! NOTE: All photos were taken November 16, 2010; click on it to enlarge. Sussi said to have taken them with the specific intent to consider the Elbe as a Greek island, and it also takes special pleasure to myself, who added the translation of the scanty information in Greek.
Seccheto. Spiaggia, scirocco.
Segketo. Sand, sirocco.
Fetovaia. Arrivederci.
Fetovagia. Until next time.
Ancora Fetovaia. Nessuno.
Fetovagia even. None.
Fetovaia. Ensamhet.
Fetovagia. Loneliness.
Pomonte. Mandarini e 'a Corsica surella.
Pomonte. Mandarins and corsets or sister.
Pomonte. Il monte dietro (Post montem). Scirocco forte.
Pomonte. Back Mountain (Post montem). Strong sirocco.
Pomonte. Capre libere.
Pomonte. Free goats.
Marciana. La cabinovia del Capanne.
Martsiana. The lift of Kapanne.
Portoferraio. Lapide all'anarchico Pietro Gori.
Portoferraio. Gravestones of anarchisti Pietro Gori.
Portoferraio. Piazza Pietro Gori.
Πορτοφερράιο. Πλατεία Πιέτρο Γκόρι.
Case di Portoferraio. Vento, luce.
Σπίτια στο Πορτοφερράιο. 'Ανεμος, φως.
Portoferraio. Fuoco di luce.
Πορτοφερράιο. Φωτιά από φως.
Marina di Campo. Anatre sul molo.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Πάπιες στο μόλο.
Marina di Campo. Le Scalinate.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Σκαλινάτε.
Marina di Campo. Chiesa di San Gaetano.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Εκκλησία 'Αγιου Καïετάνου.
Marina di Campo. Le Case Nuove.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Οι Νέοι Οίκοι.
Marina di Campo. Piazzetta Teseo Tesei.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Πλατεία Τεζέο Τεζέι.
Seccheto. Spiaggia, scirocco.
Segketo. Sand, sirocco.
Fetovagia. Until next time.
Fetovagia even. None.
Fetovagia. Loneliness.
Pomonte. Mandarins and corsets or sister.
Pomonte. Back Mountain (Post montem). Strong sirocco.
Pomonte. Free goats.
Martsiana. The lift of Kapanne.
Portoferraio. Gravestones of anarchisti Pietro Gori.
Πορτοφερράιο. Πλατεία Πιέτρο Γκόρι.
Σπίτια στο Πορτοφερράιο. 'Ανεμος, φως.
Πορτοφερράιο. Φωτιά από φως.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Πάπιες στο μόλο.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Σκαλινάτε.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Εκκλησία 'Αγιου Καïετάνου.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Οι Νέοι Οίκοι.
Μαρίνα ντι Κάμπο. Πλατεία Τεζέο Τεζέι.
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