Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Birthday Prayer For Debut

THERE ARE NOT AN INTELLECTUAL 'always a first time

Last weekend I and my family we went to sea for over 3 days!
How nice run free with Dad on the beach!
And then ... how many things to sniff, to see ... My sister and I
quadruped we had fun as hell!

When I was loose, mom and dad were afraid that I stray away. Mica
are so smart ....
But is it possible not to notice that really was me I'd fear that they flee!?
For safety, in fact, I am attached to the legs of my father as a mussel.
You never know ...
Better be careful.

We made long walks.
... And long pee.
We looked away. That
huge puddle called sea.
The horizon was beautiful.
And at some point we fell into the sun.

will seem strange.
But I was sleeping in the queue and a great sense of freedom.

The house where we slept and then was not the same.
This one had a beautiful garden all around, where I could wander around when I wanted.
short, a real treat!

And then, there was a big, very big news.
I received my first ball!
Despite my 8 years old, up to a year ago I did not know mica play!
had ever taught me not in kennels!
But my dad and my mom gave me this nice game orange (which is now totally and only mine), and showed me how to use it.

I ran, I turned around, jumped ...
Well, my dear, I can now officially say

What it's not just stuff!

And you?! What have you combined the weekend?!


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