Friday, February 11, 2011

What Do The Le Creuset Number On The Bottom Mean

Of course, complaints. Nineteen , to be exact.

The usual accusations ridiculous block the movement of means of ATAF precisely at a time when the same size ATAF solid lines causing a popular uprising in some neighborhoods, the failure to give notice to the Police when you vacate the tricolor fascist government to roam wherever they want, as always well protected, and the port of objects acts to offend when offended, and mortality, and an entire city that does not want these cancers street inside.

So it is good to be clear, once and for all. As soon as the

ministressa gggggiovane noted that in this city not only did not pass through the farce on the "sinkholes", which reacts and moves the active political and social issue on appeal against a government and a regime shit, was immediately launched the command of repression. Promptly executed.

Several times in this blog has used the weapon of ridicule against these disgusting, their shameless lies, their emptiness pressurized. The "rebels" moving constantly with policemen in tow, because otherwise no could neither would have done, to spread their stench of corpses.

The offenders, "tricolor" in hand, argue not only greedy old pedophile, but speculators of the worst kind, the lords of the "School Marshals" who has an entire floor dirty, bankers, politicians, liars and their servile newspapers .

The weapon of ridicule and laughter is always effective, not at all bear the pain. But it should also be extremely serious when needed. Maybe they do not realize now to be walking on a much deeper abyss of their "sinkholes", and that you are hunting alone inside. They do not realize that the measure is really full. Meanwhile

well if they are holed up in their sewers. To come out they need police to protect them ammodino mother, and that denounces those who take to the streets to expose all this. It can not happen every day, and while their order is progressing slowly but inexorably.


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