Monday, February 28, 2011

Dirt Track Racing Cakes


Sure, someone like me, it just happened to have all the colors.

Even the first day of school at the age of 9 years played!

Oh yes!
Because, as I walk when I go out I'm not really a perfect example of a gentleman, and as often quarrel with quadrupeds I meet on the street,
my mom and my dad called humans have a really nice lady e. .. scented to teach me a little more to be a "good dog".

I state that this young lady came this morning and flooded the house with a smell of dried fish and meat ball fantastic, coming marsupietto who had tied a life.

He did a bit 'of questions to mom and dad, and then we went out for a walk together in hopes of meeting some dog on the street and show her my prowess.

Oh! Guys! Today
within a square mile there was no canine soul alive!
Fortunately, we finally met the neighbors who have two dogs females.
With them we have proof.

usually the little guys do not convince me at all ...
has something in the queue ...
Well then, when I can usually against the bark, just to let her know that I love my dad.
I love my mom. I love my sister
And they are mine.
mind you.

But today ...
... actually ...
have been those fragrant biscuits in the carrier's miss ...
that will be started to give me some 'even before you approach the animal that was waiting across the street ...
screwdriver that will be 'na very hungry ....

rest of the world's most fragrant young lady was at my side.
I could not disappoint, nor stop to fix it ...
and a little 'fall in love with her.
And every time I looked, with a smile she gave me a crunchy.

Then to impress, I decided to perform in all my footage to complete:

the leg (which sometimes I find it not so good but today it went smooth as glass).

It worked!

short people ...

I do not only with the four-legged blonde wagging I have not had a fight ...

But I do not have spun their own at all!


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