Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Hire Adult Stars


Io la guardo.
La riguardo.
La bramo.

Faccio un giretto.
Poi ritorno.
La annuso.
La riannuso per sicurezza.

Si. E' lei.
Ci giro intorno.
La sbircio di nascosto.

Do una leccatina passando.
The hard drive.
inhale the air that envelops it.
look a bit '.

want it. The
I want. The

.... the trash can.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Upskirt Dawn From Pokemon


We "help" women really common in the Islamic battle against the "burqa" suffocating imperialism and for the emancipation of every reactionary costume that preserves and perpetuates the oppression of women. We will really the side of Arab-Muslim women when they can see here in the West not only armies attackers and police repression, but also a movement of oppressed and exploited who struggle against them. And in so doing we can begin to assert our voice in our own people, against their miserable privileges, social chains exploited for the same male.

History teaches us that, while wearing the veil, Muslim women have not hesitated to participate in the forefront in the fight against 'imperialism, while pursuing the fight for their emancipation, and the struggle began to take off the veil as a conquest of the social revolution, anti-colonial and anti-imperialist
here if we do we will end up in our part, they will continue with the battle force, and when to remove the veil again, it will not be won by the owners to enjoy Western-like "liberators"-always yearn in vain, but to settle the bill to imperialist domination and oppression of patriarchal society, with its odious derivatives.
women of oppressed peoples and women find their true liberation of the West together and fighting together with their class brothers men for a new community umana, liberata da ogni distinzione di classe, di razza, di sesso.
Le donne africane, le donne arabe, le donne palestinesi ,tutte queste donne, come tutte le altre donne di mondi altri, hanno davanti a loro cambiamenti, e lo sanno. Perchè il futuro è nel cambiamento di condizione delle donne, la civiltà di un paese si qualifica sulla condizione che in quel paese vive la donna che lo abita e queste donne sanno che hanno bisogno di elevare la qualità di vita dei loro paesi, e lo sanno anche i loro uomini, anche se secoli di tradizioni faticano a far prendere la strada, a far camminare i sogni, che diventano così obiettivi.
We women of this country, we walked our dreams, we have achieved goals, and not so long ago, the dates are clear, we are voting since 1946, the new family law of 1994, the law on violence that we recognize as sexual body, instead of the object disturbance of public morals is in the middle are the 1997th and divorce law on protection of motherhood
We walked a lot of dreams, now there is someone trampling ... platform is not, take back our dignity as women, that does not mean giving up the freedom of the body, but do not let your body is the subject of commodification that is confused with sinister false freedom.
We have all the tools to do so, our sisters from other worlds have much less .... let us unite in a symbolic circle to share knowledge and grow in this knowledge, everybody.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

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of February 5, 2011 - Anti-Fascist Parade

Get off at Piazza against the fascists
dismissal of the Berlusconi government

On February 5, Florence, unfortunately, will once again faced with a fascist demonstration that memory according to the organizers would like to return to so-called "martyrs of the ravines."

First we want to reiterate how strongly This day is instrumental to the historical revisionism, the attempt to render meaningless what really Italian and Yugoslav Anti-Fascist Resistance represent decontextualizing and completely distorting the historical facts and reality: during the war, the Yugoslav lands were occupied by military forces, populations displaced or all'italianizzazione forced forced in a climate of violence that squad and terror. What happened next, always in a war context, was not dictated by a nationalist and anti-Italian sentiment but by the values \u200b\u200bof anti-and the struggle for liberation.

We nevertheless think that at this stage the march organized by the Fascists represented, if possible, something even più grave: fu proprio il precedente governo Berlusconi ad istituire “la giornata delle ricordo” su richiesta del fascista triestino Menia dando così proprio ai fascisti una giornata istituzionale all’interno della quale ritagliarsi uno spazio di agibilità politica. Oggi questa giornata ha un chiaro ritorno di sostegno e appoggio a un governo in forte crisi che necessita momenti di legittimità e propaganda mentre sta trascinando questo paese nella degenerazione dei rapporti sociali e in una fase di involuzione culturale trasformandolo in una sorta di società medioevale dove signori, signorotti e feudatari si scambiano soldi e favori con voti e appalti.

Il 5 febbraio il governo sarà rappresentato in primis dal Ministro Youth Meloni, former militant of the Youth Front, the lending of the youth organizations of the extreme right and certainly bitter enemy of the students who have fallen in recent months in protest against the approval of the bill Gelmini but more generally represent the claims of a generation that does not see prospects ahead of him and does not see a future. One fight, one student, who joins and joins and that of workers and in particular the resistance shown by the FIAT workers against whom this government has taken a clear position by giving full support to the CEO Marchionne in its present and future choices .
This appeal is addressed to all those who identify with the values Anti-Fascist Resistance to the sign, to move towards disclosed above are present and participate actively in the square and call it Florence Antifascist manifest through the streets of the historic center of Florence in the groove marked by the struggle of students and workers against the government and the fascists.

Saturday, February 5

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Un giorno di lotta

event for the city streets today in Rome, issued by the Cobas participating in the strike of metalworkers FIOM CGIL. A march in procession from Piazza della Repubblica to Piazza Venezia with the Cobas also various student organizations.
unit STRIKE AGAINST PARLIAMENTARY AND INSTITUTIONAL the antics of the left and right.
pay only the fight!
With herein does not mean that our positions are similar to all the organizations that participate, but must be understood as a union between students and workers in the fight against the system idiot and all his children and torturers, to resign from his subjects and return to raise their heads.

marches in 18 cities, a great level of commitment of workers. The day of strikes on 28 January, between events and mobilizations of the Fiom grassroots unions, had all the features to make news, especially considering the union with the Italian students as a sign of desire for change.
E 'but was completely ignored by the media, but from where we least expect it got a great lesson that can not, must not be ignored.

Unfortunately still too imbued with retrograde Islam, but eager to true freedom from all visa conditions , Egypt, yesterday raised its head. We hope to see a new dawn rising for everyone and perhaps even from those countries who judged the most backward democracy and drowsy. We can support at a distance, and keep your ears open and attacked the brain, to help as we can, from our unlucky country, which amuses unworthily in zoccoleschi fuss, which nobody cares, while the world rushes toward goals and ideals while other peoples, suffer to earn what we might have already. We who are anesthetized, mostly, succubi stories that the joker has sold in recent years, we finally wake up and understand, looking to the southeast, more or less where the sun rises every morning.
So ends that we import procedures and trials of unexpected dignity to teachers, in the symbolic axis we like frustrated watching from the window sill of our membership in the world. The people of Cairo, the military that "delivery" allegorically, the protest for the bread takes on the sense and the will to action to overthrow a regime, we want to see them in a single global context to the streets yesterday, together with workers and students who claim the future and women offended and insulted the men of our country that the need has not yet freed from slavery moral, but I fear that soon will wake up abruptly.
A big blow yesterday to capitalism that seems to begin to fade away in front of his inability to break the cycle of history that revolves around the intolerable inequality, unbearable for those who come from the wrong, morally and geographically a part that is constantly growing. Demonstrating that it is impossible to consolidate the freedom of the strongest limiting that of the less strong, we can no longer ignore that slavery yet cleverly concealed by the media and distributed to spread the second is terrible and unexpected new distribution rules.
This should not happen and the dignity of Egypt yesterday gave us a proud example of how to prevent it, because it scares the people united and this should not be forgotten ever!

La preghiera di una ragazzo egiziano dal web:

I pray for the Egyptian people to buld a free and democratic Egypt. That they will separate religion from the state in order to lead the way for the rest of the Arab world, which is destined for true and much needed changes.

Prego che il popolo egiziano sappia costruire un Egitto libero e democratico,separando la politica dalla religione e che possa essere di esempio a tutto il mondo Arabo che è destinato a grandi e veri cambiamenti.

Friday, January 28, 2011

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Hello everyone!
me introduce myself: My name is Light, and is the cousin of Ruby.
Yes, I know it does not look like us.
Well actually ... 'I Ruby and we have never seen ... and to be honest there' not even a real bond of blood, but our lives are somehow linked, and even a bit 'like.
Everything 'began with this photo that I have shot the mother and father' of Ruby (which is why I have chosen my uncles of the heart) the day I came to visit the kennel where I was locked up lunghiiiiiissimi for 3 years!
I still remember that day! Ruby's mother took me for a walk in the meadows and taught me to go on a leash. I said so ', where I learned to bring me a leash I would soon find the human good that I would take with him'. And the pope 'Ruby fired me this picture.
have come good, eh? Not for nothing that I was nicknamed "the little dog spoils" of the shelter! Two wagging his tail and stretch my legs all the little dog I met!.
But I did not have the same charm on "human".
It 'cause one day a' good human and you saw this picture and 'madly in love with me! Did km to pick me up! I swear!
Since then, everything 's gonna change!
Initially non vi nascondo che ero un po’ preoccupato. Non capivo bene dov’ero finito, cosa mi sarebbe successo, se sarei mai ritornato al canile. Ormai, in fondo il canile lo conoscevo bene… avevo imparato a memoria ogni mattonella, ogni grata del cancello, ogni tegola del tetto, ogni rumore… Invece “la’ fuori” c’erano cosi’ tante tante cose!!!!
La prima cosa che ho dovuto imparare era riconoscere la mia immagine negli specchi e nelle vetrine! Che spaventi che mi prendevo all’inizio!. Ma mica sono stupido io… poi ho capito!
Ho capito che il vetro non si vede ma non ci si puo’ passare attraverso, ho capito che quando passa una bicicletta e’ meglio che stia fermo, ho capito che i bisogni si fanno fuori, ho capito che la cuccia e’ comoda, ma il divano di piu’, ho capito che l’anello debole di casa e’ il papa’ e basta che lo guardi adorante,mentre mi esibisco in un perfetto “seduto”, che arrivano biscottini e premietti in abbondanza!!
La mamma invece cerca (CERCA) di non viziarmi troppo e mi riempie di giochini “educativi”. Le scova di tutte e mi divertono un sacchissimo!!. I giochini che mi piacciono di piu’ sono le scatoline. Prepara delle scatoline con dentro dei croccantini o dei biscottini e le chiude bene. Io devo scovare il modo di aprirle per arrivare al premio! Troooooppo divertente!!! E’ un gioco che mi fa impazzire!
Devo dire che probabilmente sono portato per questi giochini “cognitivi”. E sto raggiungendo davvero livelli notevoli!! Pensate che sono capace anche di risolvere il giochino dei coni!!
Ma ci credete?? Io, un umile cagnetto di canile, che raggiunge certi livelli?
La mamma dice che sono un genietto.
Chissa’, forse c’e’ qualcosa di genetico. D’altra parte, non notate una certa similarity?

An affectionate wagging his tail everyone!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

10 Year Old Car Depreciation Calculator

Il giorno dell'Ossimoro

For more than thirty years, the Israeli army has used an oxymoron to describe its action in the Palestinian territories which are under his authority since June 1967:

'employment liberal. "

This semantic construct is coupled with other oxymorons of the same gender as

"purity of arms" or

"Jewish and democratic state."

Today is Memorial Day and in many, if they fill the mouth, posting on the Internet tracks the Diary of Anne Frank or phrases of the book "If This Is a Man" by Primo Levi.

Today is the day of hypocrisy. Which memory do you speak?

History does not teach but is replicated every day. The Holocaust is today. The horrors are perpetuate. The errors are repeated.

jew Everybody is somebody.

Four deaths at work just now. This is also Holocaust.

In 10 years in Italian prisons have died over 1,700 inmates, of which 1 / 3 of suicide

This is also Holocaust.

Every time a hand goes down, waving a black flag high, we put a cross on a right-wing party, every time another jew enters the gas chamber, a Partisan still dying on the hills.
memory alive is not just for one day, but always on in the hearts of those who still believe in freedom.

Not to forget the Holocaust?
Not to perpetrate the Holocaust, this time against the people Palestinian.
Why not become the victims of yesterday never executioners.

for Dignity 'And the beauty of life.
FOR UGAL right of every people to A FREEDOM '

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this post I wanted to dedicate

To us, that we have been able to wait behind the bars of a kennel box, never losing completely la speranza.

A NOI, che qualcuno ci ha salvato, qualcuno dal cuore grande e vivo, restituendoci la dignità e la voglia di annusare l'erba.

A NOI, che oggi ci prendiamo il lusso di schiacciare un pisolino a pancia in su, senza doverci preoccupare di sentire freddo o paura.

A NOI, che non abbiamo dimenticato da dove siamo venuti, e che siamo consapevoli che tanti altri si trovano oggi nelle stesse nostre condizioni di ieri.

A NOI, che sappiamo amare nonostante tutto ciò che abbiamo passato e tutti quelli che hanno provato a farci dimenticare come si fa.

A NOI, che la coda va da sola a 1000 quando vediamo il nostro papà o la nostra mamma umani.

A NOI, che We always hungry, even when we just ate. Because we have suffered so much hunger, too.

to us, who look to the future, as we have always done. But today we see a different color: green like a lawn.

And then ...


that you have chosen from among thousands,
we've got another chance,
who have been able to see beyond the bars,
than suffering
over dirt, over
Our eyes and our bodies sad resigned.

who have been able to make new ...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Question Notice Example

Il muro.

More than a wall hardens and reinforces the divisions which the erect, the more the chances of its collapse are real, every wall is a division and each division has a limit, and here you have to beat per ottenere la libertà.

Muri che indottrinano le masse trattandole come animali domestici al guinzaglio, i poteri forti che calpestano la sovranità dei popoli. Ma il veleno delle divisioni non inquina solo la politica; è l'anima, il pensiero, la tensione della coscienza verso il bene, il bello e il giusto che vengono separati gli uni dagli altri e smembrati dal mondo - tutto ciò imponendo limiti. Abbattere i limiti significa ricostruire la libertà nella sua interezza, senza divisioni.

Pegasus Thermostatic Shower Problems

Non solo Ruby

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kates Playground Fullkates Playground

Noi non dimentichiamo

Dodici rinvii a giudizio per la morte di Stefano Cucchi avvenuta il 22 ottobre del 2009 all'ospedale Pertini di Roma, sei giorni dopo essere stato arrestato per droga. Nel corso dell'udienza davanti al Gup, e' stato condannato a due anni Claudio Marchiandi, direttore dell'ufficio detenuti dell'amministrazione penitenzi aria. Aveva chiesto il rito abbreviato. I 12 rinviati a giudizio sono 6 medici e 3 infermieri dell'ospedale Pertini e 3 guardie carcerarie. Il processo comincera' il 24 marzo. (ANSA, 25 gennaio 2010)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Cervical Dilation Chart


Adesso basta
il servo fallo tu
che io non ne posso più
di stare qui
a sentir cazzate
are pronounced.
Give me the job
respect and dignity
or do not complain
for how it will end.
has crumbled the last illusion
and seeking hope
in the eyes of the boys
increasingly angry
and all will be dicks
Come to then tell
that certain things, no,
s'hanno not be done.


Global Discovery Vacations

foiba the W! In

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Herpes On Nose Transmit

Per non dimentiCarlo

hate freedom becomes wind blew

and wind
voice shouting Peace.

thunder became the wind to rip

rainbow banners and love.

blew through the alleys of Genoa
new anger grew

imploded and everything exploded and fell. Then all is silent

even the wind.

Scrolls time
no scar

not heal some wounds never ever ever


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Reed And Barton Silver Sailboat

yesterday me and my family we made a trip to a vast and beautiful place which is called "sea .
I tell you. To me this
sea like it so much!
For eight years (when I was in the kennel closed in my box) I had never seen.
But since I laid my paws on the sand ....
What can I say?
A wonderful feeling!
And then ... There are many
smells delicious!
rotten fish stranded on the shore on which to roll over;
sticks to wet and rotten gnaw;
old junk scattered on the beach that the sea has brought with it ...


Me and my sister quadruped we are too happy when he took us to the sea.
we roll, dig
(especially her ... I still have not figured out how to do)

us ... and we do cuddle from mom and dad.

...che ci piacciono sempre tantissimo.

Insomma, come vedete, io sono la prova vivente che
nella vita non è mai detta l'ultima parola.
Basta avere pazienza.
Guardare avanti.
E crederci.

Vi prometto che quel cancello di box prima o poi si apre per tutti.

Parola di Ruby.

Friday, January 14, 2011

My First Birthday Invitations De Minni

escape from Stüssi

said the segrutario del partuto demucratico, tale Bursani.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Land Survey Jobs Overseas

Ten plans softness

E così eccoci quasi arrivati all'annuale mistificazione a base di foibe .

Quest'anno, in questa città, si preannuncia in pompa magna :

Nella foto, una pompa magna. Pure centrifuga.

Sì, perché quest'anno l'annuale sfoibeggiata coincide pure con l' inaugurazione di Sottoscalaggì ; e, allora, i peraltro sparuti camerati hanno pensato bene di fare le cose in grande. Oltre al "Corteo", vale a dire la solita passeggiatina con fiaccolette e tricoloroni dalle quest'anno (sembra) spostata in piazza Savonarola, hanno persino invitato er personaggio , anzi, la personaggia : nientepopodimeno che la ministra della gioventù , vale a dire la Meloni (nella foto sotto il titolo la si può vedere nel suo più riuscito quadruplicamento).

Ora, credendo -in quanto antichissima (Παμπαλαῖα) gatta nera- nella saggezza popolare, e non disprezzando affatto i proverbi, trovo alquanto azzeccato nominarne uno, famosissimo: Il diavolo fa le pentole, ma non i coperchi.

I sottoscalanti, these days, you feel noticeably mobbilitàti , Aho. There's also a bit 'to understand them: throughout their existence as a complement indirect political (the title of "subject" would seem a bit' too big) in this city, the only thing they have produced (apart from the above sfoibeggiata year) was the 'systematic dirt walls, lamp posts, bins Quadrifoglio boards and so on. Virtually everything, in recent years, and will support the words "Casaggì" and related Crosses cèrtihe (but imagine the 'Celtic Torse as I find it difficult, at best you could make the bard Assurancetourix ).

In the picture: the bard Torsassurancetourix while the propaganda parade,
particularly appreciated by a rude representative FIOM
(Federation of Workers Interceltic hammer)

Not content with this, at night, the Sottoscalanti have made good buzz and have "wrapped the city" . So they say, at least, but here it gets interesting. In practice, they have plastered all the walls (their favorite activity and I would say the only) with the propaganda leaflets " March against the crimes of communism " scheduled for Saturday, February 5:

The flyer with which Sottoscalanti have" wrapped the city. "
a wind of male rebelliousness it seems to breathe, particularly
blue symbol in the bottom center.

After ' drier, the Sottoscalanti have seen fit to announce it (always in full regalia ) on their blog , writing Article a manly, non-conforming and which are Bogside (miao!) be able to offer 's incipit:

Fortunately, in this city of the living dead, there are still people who rocking the boat.
Tonight two thousand posters have literally wrapped the city.
mobilization pre-procession for the martyrs of sinkholes, proceeds with perfection and with a fanatical enthusiasm never seen before. People who take free to work to attack the posters, people who do fork to make a flyer at school, people who took a holiday to help out at full speed in the days leading up l'evento. In più, oltre a questo, la presenza fisica di una marea di militanti, molti dei quali alle prese con le loro prime attività, che da qui all'estate daranno un bello scossone a queste strade.
Siamo in trincea, insomma."

Nella foto: Alcuni gggggiovani Sottoscalanti nella trincea

scavata sotto il Cavalcavia dell'Affrico

Il problema gli è che, come parecchi di voi avranno già notato, cliccando sul link non si accede a nessun articolo . Volete riprovare? Ecco qua . Che sarà mai successo?

È successo che l'assessore Mattei li ha bacchettati sonoramente . Questo articolo c'è, ed è bene leggerlo attentamente; dalla mia parte, mi limiterò a un piccolo commento.

Non è certamente che l'assessore Mattei mi stia particolarmente simpatico, e al pari di lui la giunta del Sindaco del bello o Sindaco più amato. L' outing di Mattei si basa esclusivamente sul famoso decoro , scordandosi delle indecorose iniziative del suo sindaco (la giratina a Arcore, lo schieramento a favore di Pulloverino...); nella sua dichiarazione non manca (come è quasi ovvio) la leccatina a favore della "Giornata memory ", " as evidenced by his work. " And I challenge you, will not be a coincidence that Renzi like it so much. especially the right, because it is a right-wing mayor every day and never misses a chance to prove . There would almost like to thank the snowfall of December 17, which caused him to suffer an 'epic disgraced broadcast worldwide, or nearly so.

But there is no doubt that the words of Matthew, in a vacuum but in context of the tire is reporting that the other party, have passed at all a couple of minutes of genuine humor .

Before the 'torso, which makes a sensational as stunted marciandrè , muttering a fun and retraction blaming the "left-wing movements of the leaflets" and in this regard, I am reminded of a metaphor certainly a bit 'heavy, but effective. You know when you beat a good shit in the middle of the road, and there you just keep it all until the next bathroom? Underwear resulting hopelessly smeared , just as the walls of this city from sfoibàte Servetti of those little master. The 'torso is made a real brake shit in his underwear . And maybe you pluck a nice Multon, those firm.

Then the leaders of the Blog Sottoscalaggì, who hastily removed the 'article claims " the intelligent initiative. Countermand, comrades! Dossier Farewell, farewell the living dead, farewell to fanatical perfection ; bellini then, proponents of Gelmini and "students to study" that praise to those who are in school fork (which is also now almost impossible for school-camp now). Yes, quite a nice jolt ! If anything, a nice sganassone have to turn. Then, we must have a passion for these hydrogeology here. Before the "raging river", then they want to "stir the waters." Or even be able to flood the Affrico? ...

In short, as we have used the rest ammodino, do not go even two days that already are covered with ridicule. Furthermore, it will be a chance that they invited the most ridiculous member of a Government which is already widely, and tragic, ridiculous in itself.

Meanwhile, the whole world is exploding. In Tunisia revolt and die. Throughout the world people are rebels, and seriously, the real crime against global capitalism the . The dirty dictator of Tunisia Ben Ali, the great friend of that Craxi who was the initiator, the protector and the momentum of that bluish Popes whose symbol stands leaflets on "crimes of communism." And yet these people want to seize the piss everyone with their foibe , the historic toy that you have created and that seems to have been so successful even among Democrats . All with pullovers. All with the bosses. All eunuchs who devour each other, and will be a good show. Meanwhile, though, let's enjoy that too for a few minutes of the Wrapped Wrapped . Wrapped, you: ten stories in of softness.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Example Of Thank You Card About Hair Stylist

The Blogspottata

I do not want you to think that a cat is too rude and uncaring, so I write this kind of service post to correct an unfortunate error in which my friend hurried Sussi (which, as many of you may have guessed , access to this blog) is committed last night. But, of course, also Blogspot platform has its problems.

Who is Black (Cat) Blog Pampalea among its link in the blogroll (and I imagine that you've done a hibernate in 1954 read a sentence like that in its wake) will be found, perhaps with the icon , a mysterious post "Milano red!" of which, here, there is no trace. The fact is that the 'Sussi, which often is quite stoned, last night I posted here, thoughtlessness & dystrazïone, a post for his blog of the car bombs, and yet is part of' asocial network . When I realized I need to cancel, but the links and icons are remained, and there has not been toward them off. For levarle it takes a new post, and here it is. How

post, I suspect that this is the most insipid that you can imagine (and probably will remain so), but I take the opportunity to specify that Treggio beloved by the 'Sussi I am only interested in how comfortable shelter, and as an effective means (like the new cars, for that matter) to escape to those of bischeracci dogs (which, not infrequently, We beat some good skull, so they learn, and you want to do, then, and cai cai bau bau).

Monday, January 10, 2011

Green Egg Chuck Roast

Sottoscalaggì, its restaurant and a poor painter innocent

Parapappà zum zum! Tarapùm tarapàm, we Finarii! After a long wait lasted eight months (s diho POHO!), Our incomparable, immeasurable, and even a little 'invisible gggggiovinotti & non-conforming rebels Casaggì have finally found their Bogside. It must have been indeed a long and tiring removal, as documented by this blog, but in the end the PDN ® (Pargoletto the dwarf) have found an appropriate new home for their Social Centre Shit , they give notice, in full regalia, their blogghettone, and with their "raging river" . Beware, however, with the rivers and floods, as they have just moved:

November 4, 1966: Albert Square in the Bogside a pair of feet of water

I mean, come on: Fra 'Sylvester Maruffi tira un sospiro di sollievo (e iddìo solo sa se ne ha bisogno, povero cristo, che oltre a essere stato bruciato assieme al Savonarola gli è toccato anche sorbirsi per qualche anno i' Torse, i' Donze e i loro fùrgidi ribelli), e ora sono cazzi del povero Lorenzo di Credi , onestissimo e innocente pittore rinascimentale, al quale sembra non venga risparmiato neppure uno spregio. Prima gli dedicano una via seppellendola letteralmente sotto un cavalcavia, poi lo fanno affogare nell'acqua, nel fango e nella nafta, e infine gli ci mettono pure i gggggiovinotti del Bogside. Fossi in lui, mi dimetterei da pittore e me ne andrei altrove.

Pietro Vannucci, called Perugino: Portrait of Lorenzo di Credi

After so much preamble, but it is good to go and see where you are accommodated our buddies, yes, because everything can be said of the new headquarters of Casaggì except it is not really inconsistent with . Especially not in accordance with logic, as we have often used the gggggiovinotti. Let's start with a picture of the now famous Via Lorenzo di Credi:

This is, as you can see, literally got shit road between the city's busiest bridge and rail to Rome: to get out The only so you just go under the overpass. Of course, as the Bogside, the flyover of is not the best. We will pass on about two hundred thousand vehicles per day while polluting the air and forcing the inhabitants of the poor via Lorenzo di Credi, rebellious or not, never open the windows immediate pain of suffocation, in addition, the strong manly & Italic items ggggiovini this would completely inaudible, considering the trains rattling in every moderately dense. Not to mention that, given the Bogside Of this position here, I'm not saying the army of the Queen, but even a bunch of kids with slingshots may result in a massacre just plugging the sottocavalcavia. Other than Bloody Sunday, these guys have gone to intafognare in a place with no way out! And if the floods do come back, she really, the swollen river ...?

But it must be said that, at least in one thing, our ggggiovinotti have been forewarned. As a Maruffi Barretto had at most a few, but here and in via Lorenzo di Credi, even have a restaurant . That, however, as in the name is not really auspicious:

summarize. Location in a most agreeable, including a railroad overpass and a smelly, congested; constant closing of the windows (double, it is assumed), in short, worse than a closet. Another that "home", this one looks like a basement . Announcement, therefore, that from now on, you MUST refer to center of social right as Sottoscalaggì .

What's more, even the restaurant La Forca , maybe, and I am convinced, is excellent. But imagine a little 'i gggiovinotti that, prior to assembly to un'oceanica rivers, a battle against the minions of the Queen, a conference on Codreanu, a frignatina by policemen, a happening with Meloni (the famous melons Bogside) ribellissimo or an invitation to vote for the Pope, we say: by up comrades ... before we go to the gallows!

Photo: A group of comrades, to tell the truth no longer gggggiovanissimi,
prepares to go to a restaurant

(But it seems that the 'Torso, before the historic opening of the February 5 next, to coincide with the annual stroll PD3 GIVM-De '3-Gaulle Avenue Milton is trying to convince the owner of the restaurant to change its name to The Cave . The expense would be minimal indeed: just replace the two letters , RC IB).