Il problema gli è che, come parecchi di voi avranno già notato,
cliccando sul link non si accede a nessun articolo . Volete riprovare?
Ecco qua . Che sarà mai successo?
È successo che l'assessore Mattei li ha
bacchettati sonoramente . Questo articolo c'è, ed è bene leggerlo attentamente; dalla mia parte, mi limiterò a un piccolo commento.
Non è certamente che l'assessore Mattei mi stia particolarmente simpatico, e al pari di lui la giunta del
Sindaco del bello o
Sindaco più amato. L'
outing di Mattei si basa esclusivamente sul famoso
decoro , scordandosi delle
indecorose iniziative del suo sindaco (la giratina a Arcore, lo schieramento a favore di Pulloverino...); nella sua dichiarazione non manca (come è quasi ovvio) la
leccatina a favore della "Giornata memory ",
" as evidenced by his work. " And I challenge you, will not be a coincidence that Renzi like it so much.
especially the right, because it is a right-wing mayor every day and never misses a chance to prove . There would almost like to thank the snowfall of December 17, which caused him to suffer an 'epic
disgraced broadcast worldwide, or nearly so.
But there is no doubt that the words of Matthew, in a vacuum but in context of the tire is reporting that the other party, have passed at all a couple of minutes of genuine humor
Before the 'torso, which makes a sensational as stunted
marciandrè , muttering a fun and retraction blaming the "left-wing movements of the leaflets" and in this regard, I am reminded of a metaphor certainly a bit 'heavy, but effective. You know when you beat a good shit in the middle of the road, and there you just keep it all until the next bathroom? Underwear resulting hopelessly smeared
, just as the walls of this city from sfoibàte Servetti of those little master. The 'torso is made a real
brake shit in his underwear . And maybe you pluck a nice Multon, those firm.
Then the leaders of the Blog Sottoscalaggì, who
hastily removed the 'article claims " the intelligent initiative. Countermand, comrades! Dossier Farewell, farewell the living dead, farewell to
fanatical perfection ; bellini then, proponents of Gelmini and "students to study" that
praise to those who are in school fork (which is also now almost impossible for school-camp now). Yes, quite a nice jolt
! If anything, a nice
sganassone have to turn. Then, we must have a passion for these hydrogeology here. Before the "raging river", then they want to "stir the waters." Or even be able to flood the Affrico? ...
In short, as we have used the rest ammodino, do not go even two days that already are covered with ridicule. Furthermore, it will be a chance that they invited the most ridiculous member of a Government which is already widely, and tragic, ridiculous in itself.
Meanwhile, the whole world is exploding. In Tunisia revolt and die. Throughout the world people are rebels, and seriously, the real crime against global capitalism
the . The dirty dictator of Tunisia Ben Ali, the great friend of that Craxi who was the initiator, the protector and the momentum of that bluish Popes whose symbol stands leaflets on "crimes of communism." And yet these people want to seize the piss everyone with their
foibe , the historic toy that you have created and that seems to have been so successful even among Democrats
. All with pullovers. All with the bosses. All
eunuchs who devour each other, and will be a good show. Meanwhile, though, let's enjoy that too for a few minutes of the Wrapped Wrapped
. Wrapped, you: ten stories in
of softness.