Thursday, January 27, 2011

10 Year Old Car Depreciation Calculator

Il giorno dell'Ossimoro

For more than thirty years, the Israeli army has used an oxymoron to describe its action in the Palestinian territories which are under his authority since June 1967:

'employment liberal. "

This semantic construct is coupled with other oxymorons of the same gender as

"purity of arms" or

"Jewish and democratic state."

Today is Memorial Day and in many, if they fill the mouth, posting on the Internet tracks the Diary of Anne Frank or phrases of the book "If This Is a Man" by Primo Levi.

Today is the day of hypocrisy. Which memory do you speak?

History does not teach but is replicated every day. The Holocaust is today. The horrors are perpetuate. The errors are repeated.

jew Everybody is somebody.

Four deaths at work just now. This is also Holocaust.

In 10 years in Italian prisons have died over 1,700 inmates, of which 1 / 3 of suicide

This is also Holocaust.

Every time a hand goes down, waving a black flag high, we put a cross on a right-wing party, every time another jew enters the gas chamber, a Partisan still dying on the hills.
memory alive is not just for one day, but always on in the hearts of those who still believe in freedom.

Not to forget the Holocaust?
Not to perpetrate the Holocaust, this time against the people Palestinian.
Why not become the victims of yesterday never executioners.

for Dignity 'And the beauty of life.
FOR UGAL right of every people to A FREEDOM '


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