Saturday, January 15, 2011

Reed And Barton Silver Sailboat

yesterday me and my family we made a trip to a vast and beautiful place which is called "sea .
I tell you. To me this
sea like it so much!
For eight years (when I was in the kennel closed in my box) I had never seen.
But since I laid my paws on the sand ....
What can I say?
A wonderful feeling!
And then ... There are many
smells delicious!
rotten fish stranded on the shore on which to roll over;
sticks to wet and rotten gnaw;
old junk scattered on the beach that the sea has brought with it ...


Me and my sister quadruped we are too happy when he took us to the sea.
we roll, dig
(especially her ... I still have not figured out how to do)

us ... and we do cuddle from mom and dad.

...che ci piacciono sempre tantissimo.

Insomma, come vedete, io sono la prova vivente che
nella vita non รจ mai detta l'ultima parola.
Basta avere pazienza.
Guardare avanti.
E crederci.

Vi prometto che quel cancello di box prima o poi si apre per tutti.

Parola di Ruby.


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