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We "help" women really common in the Islamic battle against the "burqa" suffocating imperialism and for the emancipation of every reactionary costume that preserves and perpetuates the oppression of women. We will really the side of Arab-Muslim women when they can see here in the West not only armies attackers and police repression, but also a movement of oppressed and exploited who struggle against them. And in so doing we can begin to assert our voice in our own people, against their miserable privileges, social chains exploited for the same male.
History teaches us that, while wearing the veil, Muslim women have not hesitated to participate in the forefront in the fight against 'imperialism, while pursuing the fight for their emancipation, and the struggle began to take off the veil as a conquest of the social revolution, anti-colonial and anti-imperialist
here if we do we will end up in our part, they will continue with the battle force, and when to remove the veil again, it will not be won by the owners to enjoy Western-like "liberators"-always yearn in vain, but to settle the bill to imperialist domination and oppression of patriarchal society, with its odious derivatives.
women of oppressed peoples and women find their true liberation of the West together and fighting together with their class brothers men for a new community umana, liberata da ogni distinzione di classe, di razza, di sesso.
Le donne africane, le donne arabe, le donne palestinesi ,tutte queste donne, come tutte le altre donne di mondi altri, hanno davanti a loro cambiamenti, e lo sanno. Perchè il futuro è nel cambiamento di condizione delle donne, la civiltà di un paese si qualifica sulla condizione che in quel paese vive la donna che lo abita e queste donne sanno che hanno bisogno di elevare la qualità di vita dei loro paesi, e lo sanno anche i loro uomini, anche se secoli di tradizioni faticano a far prendere la strada, a far camminare i sogni, che diventano così obiettivi.
We women of this country, we walked our dreams, we have achieved goals, and not so long ago, the dates are clear, we are voting since 1946, the new family law of 1994, the law on violence that we recognize as sexual body, instead of the object disturbance of public morals is in the middle are the 1997th and divorce law on protection of motherhood
We walked a lot of dreams, now there is someone trampling ... platform is not, take back our dignity as women, that does not mean giving up the freedom of the body, but do not let your body is the subject of commodification that is confused with sinister false freedom.
We have all the tools to do so, our sisters from other worlds have much less .... let us unite in a symbolic circle to share knowledge and grow in this knowledge, everybody.
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